Produkty dla na produkty (59)

Consilex Idrofix: Produkt konsolidujący na bazie wody do kamienia, cegły i betonu

Consilex Idrofix: Produkt konsolidujący na bazie wody do kamienia, cegły i betonu

Liquid product based on lithium silicates, which was created for the protective, consolidating and porosity reducer treatment of concrete, mineral, brick and stone substrates. It guarantees optimal durability and adhesion strength, resistance to UV rays, chemical agents and mechanical stresses. The result of the application allows to obtain a rapid hardening of the surface as well as a revived and homogeneous appearance of the same. The product has a negligible environmental impact thanks to the low VOC content (<50 g / l) and is practically odorless. Protective, reinforcing, water repellent treatments of concrete, mineral and stone supports. Specific product for revitalizing, simultaneously providing a great consolidation and an annulment of the dust produced in concrete supports, interstices, brick, stone or mixed arches, present in taverns, public premises and of historic monuments interest. The application surfaces should be clean, free of incrustations, dust etc. A preliminary wash with distilled water or steam it's recommended. The support should be dry when applying. Apply the product as it is, with low pressure sprayer or brush with long bristles. Keep the substrate wet with Consilex Idrofix for at least 20 minutes during application. If applied on floors, wait 24 hours before passing on the treated support. The reinforcing contribution will be completed after 2-3 weeks of treatment. From 0,20 to 1,00 kg of Consilex Idrofix per square meter of surface to be treated, based on the porosity of the support.


Economax Wieża chłodnicza dla lodziarni - oszczędność wody w witrynach, zamrażarkach i pasteryzatorach

Economax Wieża chłodnicza dla lodziarni - oszczędność wody w witrynach, zamrażarkach i pasteryzatorach

Lodziarnie płacą rocznie od 3000 do 7000 euro za wodę na chłodzenie swoich urządzeń: wieża chłodnicza Economax dla lodziarni zmniejsza zużycie wody w witrynach, zamrażarkach i pasteryzatorach. Kompaktowe, ciche i przyjazne dla środowiska rozwiązanie. Niewiarygodne oszczędności wody:Do 95% oszczędności kosztów operacyjnych. Zredukowane wymiary:Idealny do ciasnych przestrzeni lub w pomieszczeniach. Szybki zwrot inwestycji:Wstępny dobór wykonany wspólnie z klientem na podstawie jego wymagań projektowych.
Dodatkowy GS TUV Nożyce do Śrub

Dodatkowy GS TUV Nożyce do Śrub

Bolt cutter with high quality tool steel blade. Ergonomic non-slip handle. Size:350mm / 450mm / 600mm / 750mm / 900mm / 1050mm
Produkty opakowaniowe

Produkty opakowaniowe

Nastri in PVC, PPL, carta con diverse tipologie di adesivi anche ecologici. Possono essere anche stampati per la personalizzazione dei vostri imballaggi. Pellicole estensibili manuali o macchinabili, Pluriball, bobine di polietilene espanso o in film per la chiusura di bancali. Nastri adesivi rinforzati con fili di vetro unidirezionali o tramati. Diverse tipologie di tessuti plastificati adesivi. Nastri “strapping “ di colore arancio – giallo – nero – azzurro o bianco. Dispenser manuali o da banco per una facile applicazione di monoadesivi e biadesivi. Alcuni tipi permettono la regolazione della lunghezza altri possono erogare i nastri biadesivi recuperando automaticamente il liner di protezione.
Tuńczyk RIO MARE w oliwie z oliwek 1 kg

Tuńczyk RIO MARE w oliwie z oliwek 1 kg

Il tonno Rio Mare all'olio di oliva da 1 kg è un prodotto ittico di alta qualità, ideale per chi cerca un'alimentazione sana e gustosa. Realizzato con tonno selezionato e conservato in olio di oliva, offre un gusto ricco e naturale, perfetto per la preparazione di ricette mediterranee. La confezione da 6 pezzi è ideale per la vendita all'ingrosso, garantendo una scorta sufficiente per ristoranti e negozi di alimentari. Con una lunga scadenza fino al 28/11/28, questo tonno è un prodotto affidabile e versatile, adatto a una vasta gamma di ricette. Perfetto per chi ama la cucina mediterranea, è un ingrediente essenziale per chi desidera portare il sapore del mare nella propria cucina. Facile da usare e pronto all'uso, è la scelta ideale per chi cerca qualità e convenienza. confezione da 6, confezioni 90 =1 pallet minimo d'ordine 3 pallet


ART. 900 CERNIERE TIPO PAUMELLES IN ACCIAIO TROPICALIZZATO Confezione:12 Dimensioni (mm):110 x 55 x 3,0
Świeża i Mrożona Ryba

Świeża i Mrożona Ryba

Pesce Fresco e Congelato importato dai principali armatori mondiali.
Reagenty - Rozwiązania Reagentów

Reagenty - Rozwiązania Reagentów

Forniamo tutti i reattivi per : Chimica clinica ( Biolabo ) Coagulazione ( Biolabo ) Soluzioni per ematologia ( RPservice Medical ) Tutti i nostri prodotti sono certificati e tracciabili marchiati CE Produciamo soluzioni per apparecchiature di Ematologia, circa il 90% delle macchine presenti sul mercato.
Polimery termoplastyczne - Szerokie, zróżnicowane i nieustannie rozwijające się portfolio produktów.

Polimery termoplastyczne - Szerokie, zróżnicowane i nieustannie rozwijające się portfolio produktów.

L’ampio portafoglio prodotti gestito da Raiex permette di soddisfare le specifiche necessità dei trasformatori. Offre infatti una vasta gamma di polimeri termoplastici, di prima e di seconda scelta, di rigenerati, industriali e macinati e di compound destinati a molteplici settori applicativi. Raiex, infatti, attinge al vasto e completo portafoglio prodotti del Gruppo Arcoplex e può contare su un accesso privilegiato al mercato delle seconde scelte e su una grande rete di contatti con i principali attori nazionali e internazionali del mondo delle materie plastiche. I prodotti gestiti da Raiex sono: - Tecnopolimeri - Polimeri termoplastici di seconda scelta - Commodities - Compound - Biopolimeri biodegradabili compostabili
Zestaw Dozownika Łazienkowego Rosato - Z Drewnianą Tacy

Zestaw Dozownika Łazienkowego Rosato - Z Drewnianą Tacy

Cerchi un'idea regalo che sia non solo utile ma anche bella ed elegante? Scegli il nostro Set Cosmetico "Powder Rose" confezionato su un delizioso vassoio in legno con nastro e così composto: - Sapone Mani in bottiglia dispenser da 300 ml - Lozione Mani in bottiglia dispenser da 300 ml. Profumazione: rosa cipriata Misure: 14,50 x 7,50 x 16,20 cm. Imballo Minimo: 6 Sets
Jaja wielkanocne - Produkcja i sprzedaż jaj wielkanocnych

Jaja wielkanocne - Produkcja i sprzedaż jaj wielkanocnych

Castelvedere si occupa della produzione di uova di Pasqua in vendita a cash&carry, ingrossi, supermercati, outlet dolciari, bar e negozi di alimentari.
Produkty Specjalne

Produkty Specjalne

VITAL S.p.A. realizza una quota ragguardevole del proprio fatturato attraverso la fornitura di prodotti speciali che, di fatto, possono consistere in: -Varianti di prodotti standard, normalmente commercializzati dall’azienda e riconducibili per la maggior parte a norme nazionali e/o internazionali. -Prodotti “ex novo”, realizzati su richiesta, disegno e/o campione della clientela.
Linia Wygładzająca Karibelly - Wyprodukowano we Włoszech

Linia Wygładzająca Karibelly - Wyprodukowano we Włoszech

Trattamento professionale lisciante Trattamento specifico per disciplinare capelli secchi e ribelli, controllare e ridurre il volume dei capelli ricci e rendere lisci e docili anche i capelli più indisciplinati. Riduce l’effetto crespo e rende i capelli brillanti e facili da pettinare.
tabletki czarnej maki - premium czarna maka z Peru, doskonały tonik regeneracyjny

tabletki czarnej maki - premium czarna maka z Peru, doskonały tonik regeneracyjny

Maca nera peruviana proprietà e benefici | Il vero alleato per tutti! La maca peruviana non è altro che una radice, in pochi la conoscono e sembra vantare importanti proprietà che riescono a ridurre stress e fatica in qualunque soggetto; solitamente viene utilizzata per lo più in periodi molto intensi, quelli in cui l'individuo avrà bisogno di tanta energia per poter eseguire un determinato sforzo fisico. La sua azione energizzante riuscirà a fortificare l'organismo, inoltre, la radice in questione è perfetta soprattutto per quei soggetti che presentano una costante carenza di ferro riuscendo quindi a regolarizzare i livelli di emoglobina nel sangue; la maca nera in polvere viene utilizzata come importante tonico per il sistema nervoso, ma al tempo stesso sembra che riesca a combattere anche influenza, febbre e raffreddore.
Koreańskie Czerwone Cukierki Żeń-szeń 500g - produkty żeń-szenia

Koreańskie Czerwone Cukierki Żeń-szeń 500g - produkty żeń-szenia

DESCRIPTION Candy high quality taste and the delicate flavor of the original red ginseng cultivated six years. 1 calorie candy 18kcal CONTENT / PACK 500g / about 111 candy (1 candy 4.5g) INGREDIENTS Panax Ginseng Root Extract 1.2%, sucrose, maltose syrup, white sugar, menthol, vanilla, xylitol DIRECTIONS Frequency of use: to taste several times a day Instructions for administration: Suck (do not swallow whole)


Produzione e commercializzazione di sacchetti in plastica e carta personalizzati per negozi, aziende, fiere ed eventi. Promuovi il tuo brand attraverso uno dei più efficaci strumenti di marketing: il sacchetto personalizzato.
Spersonalizowane torby z papieru jedwabnego - Druk w pełnym kolorze z jednej strony lub na całej powierzchni

Spersonalizowane torby z papieru jedwabnego - Druk w pełnym kolorze z jednej strony lub na całej powierzchni

I sacchetti in velina donano un tocco di eleganza al vostro packaging e forniti di una patella adesiva, sono rapidamente utilizzabili. Disponibili in 4 formati, sono personalizzabili in quadricromia su 1 lato o su tutta la superficie, fornite a partire da soli 100 pezzi.


Realizziamo, su idea del Cliente, etichette sia tessute che stampate in alta definizione. Per maggiori informazioni visitate il nostro sito


Questa RF è un dispositivo controllato a microprocessore per un emissione di Radio Frequenza in assoluta sicurezza,a dosi e frequenze preimpostate a seconda della zona da trattare (viso, decolté e corpo).RF sfrutta l’effetto dell’emissione RF sui meccanismi cellulari fisiologici per ottenere un duraturo ringiovanimento del viso, attenuando le rughe e la lassità cutanea; può essere utilizzato per i trattamenti anti aging e nelle cicatrici post-acne. RF è anche il trattamento ideale per combattere gli inestetismi della cellulite e adipe, con effetti notevoli anche nel campo della tonificazione e del rimodellamento corporeo.L’apparecchio dispone di due manipoli ergonomici di misura diversa per viso e corpo. Su richiesta sono disponibili anche i manipoli bipolare, tripolare o un manipolo monopolare più grande per il trattamento di aree più vaste del corpo.SPECIFICHE TECNICHE - Alimentazione elettricaDalla rete monofase 230V 50/60Hz - Potenza assorbita 300 VA (max) - Potenza in
Tekstylia związane z gumą

Tekstylia związane z gumą

Rubber-bonded textiles in different materials: two-bodied velveteen, three-bodied canvas, three-bodied velveteen + jersey knit fabric, three-bodied velveteen + nonwoven fabric. For more infos check our webpage in the website description.
Świeża i Mrożona Ryba

Świeża i Mrożona Ryba

Pesce Fresco e Congelato importato dai principali armatori mondiali.
sprzedaż pelletów, drewna opałowego, pieców i kotłów na biomasę - pellet drzewny

sprzedaż pelletów, drewna opałowego, pieców i kotłów na biomasę - pellet drzewny

La nostra attività principale è quella di importare dall'estero (Ungheria, Austria, Ucraina, Romania, Canada, Nuova Zelanda, ecc..) Pellet di qualità e venderlo ai privati o partite IVA. Grazie ad Asti Pellet potrai creare la tua scorta di pellet per l'inverno senza sforzo perchè ci occuperemo noi di consegnare a casa tua, nei giorni e nell'orario che preferisci, tutti i bancali di merce di cui a bisogno
Rozpuszczalniki - Chloryzowane dla Przemysłu Mechanicznego

Rozpuszczalniki - Chloryzowane dla Przemysłu Mechanicznego

Gamma completa di prodotti chimici per lo sgrassaggio dei metalli nell'industria meccanica
Protech WAC: Farba akrylowa antywęglowa do produktów betonowych

Protech WAC: Farba akrylowa antywęglowa do produktów betonowych

Protech WAC white Anti-carbonation, protective, decorative paint, pigmented for whitewashing concrete surfaces; based on acrylic resins in aqueous emulsion, it forms a film that is impermeable to water, with very low permeability to carbon dioxide but high vapour permeability, anchored by specific adherence and diffusion. Perfect for protective coatings of infrastructure projects in concrete. Painting of protective, decorative and anti-carbonation finish, for walls, façades, concrete products, plaster, masonry, natural stones, porous supports in general. Specific for painting industrial works and infrastructure artefacts: bridges, viaducts, large prefabricated, etc. The surfaces of application should be clean, free of any soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, or non-absorbent, dust, pre-existing paints, etc. Degraded or uneven surfaces should be reclaimed with products of the family REPAR or with adhesive cement mortars packaged in situ, based on Bond HG and polypropylene fibres Readymesh PM-180. Despite it is a good habit to apply an acrylic paint after preliminary treatment of the surfaces with the suitable reinforcing fixative Protech Fix AC, in the case of Protech WAC this operation is not strictly necessary. Apply the product in 2 coats, with a brush, roller or spray, diluting it with water according to the following dosages (% in weight): - roller or brush = 10% - spray = 15%-25% Apply from 0.25 to 0.35 kg of Protech WAC per square metre of surface to be painted. Packaging: 22 kg bucket Unit of Measure: €/kg
Ręczne ekstrudery do produktów w kartridżu

Ręczne ekstrudery do produktów w kartridżu

Estrusori Per Cartucce Professional metal extruder guns for products in cartridges of various sizes. They are robust, ergonomic, easy to use and light extruder guns, to guarantee applications in the most disparate fields of traditional and specialized construction. Available for cartridges of various sizes, both for single cartridges and for double bimix cartridges of 300cc, 400cc, 470cc, 530cc, 600cc. Extrusion of materials in single cartridge or double bimix cartridge. Product to buy as needed. Extruder gun for 400 cc cartridges 1 unit - Extruder gun for 470 cc bimix cartridges 1 unit - Extruder gun for 600 cc bimix cartridges 1 unit - Extruder gun for 533 or 600 cc cartridges 1 unit - Extruder gun for 300 cc cartridges 1 unit
QL Nano Lithium: Chemiczny/mechaniczny utwardzacz, przeciwpyłowy, nanotechnologia, nie pellicular

QL Nano Lithium: Chemiczny/mechaniczny utwardzacz, przeciwpyłowy, nanotechnologia, nie pellicular

A non-film chemical/mechanical nano-technological hardener with a base of lithium silicates for cortical consolidation, chemical surface hardening and anti-dust treatment of recently-constructed industrial concrete flooring. QL Nano Lithium must be applied on the surface of the floor, immediately after finishing with mechanical bladed trowels. Once the product has been absorbed, it is possible to polish the treated surface using specific polishing machines. It is the most significant progress in the saturation and the reinforcement of concrete floorings in the last 50 years, it has always been used in the United States. The "nanotechnology" of QL Nano Lithium, which is a real improvement with respect to sodium silicate and extremely performant as a reinforcing agent for concrete, has allowed us to achieve levels of performance that were previously unimaginable. The product also presents the following characteristics: -It significantly limits (90%) the cracks of the flooring during hardening. - This is the only chemical hardener that helps to alleviate and prevent the alkali-silica reaction ( "alkali-aggregate reaction" or ASR). - It completely replaces the armour with quartz dusting. It does not crack, it does not detach, it creates a film, it does not bubble. - The extraordinary contribution to the deep reinforcement, makes the surface of the concrete completely dust-proof and highly resistant to abrasion. The continuous use of the flooring contributes to continuously improving the surface gloss without altering slipperiness in the least. - It is in an aqueous solution and does not contain solvents. It is odourless, non-flammable, non-toxic, it does not fear the freezing and thawing cycles, it is not carcinogenic and does not contain volatile substances (VOC Free) and can also be used in closed premises. - Compatible with other materials like: epoxy resins, polyurethane resins, acrylic resins, etc.. - It is UV resistant and remains stable over time. Anti-dust hardening treatment, for industrial flooring and concrete slabs, both old and new, both grey and coloured. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface". In case of new flooring, it can be applied as soon as the surface of the industrial flooring is walkable, without superficial water residue. Shake the product before use. Apply the product by low pressure airless, evenly without creating puddles, completely saturating the surface for a consumption of 70 g/m² approximately. It is advisable, after about 7-10 days, to wash the surface floor polisher provided with a black pad to eliminate any excess product, thus obtaining an elegant semi gloss (opaque) effect of the flooring, by polishing the lithium crystals on the surface. Approximately 0,07 litres of QL Nano Lithium for every square metre of surface to be treated.
QL Fluosil: Środek chemiczny utwardzający przeciwpyłowy do podłóg i wylewek betonowych

QL Fluosil: Środek chemiczny utwardzający przeciwpyłowy do podłóg i wylewek betonowych

An anti-dust chemical/mechanical revitalising hardener for concrete flooring and screeds, consisting of an aqueous solution of mineral silicates and fluosilicates, activated by specific wetting agents. It is applied in several coats of decreasing dilution in water, with a brush or mechanical “scrubber”. Specific anti-dust treatments for industrial flooring or concrete slabs that have lost their original “vitality”. It reacts with the calcium compounds, soluble and unstable, present in of concrete products, transforming them into new stable, insoluble and resistant compounds. Consequent increases in resistance to wear and tear of the order of 200% -400%, significant increases in chemical stability, resistance to freeze-thaw cycles etc. Reactive impregnations for stabilising chemical and mechanical structures and concrete products. Hardening, anti-dust, anti abrasive and anti-corrosion treatments for concrete floorings. Adjustment of the chemical and mechanical performance of products for the industrial, rural and livestock construction (on horizontal surfaces). Apply, preferably with a brush or with "washer dryer" machine on the basis of the following indications: - Porous surfaces: repeated applications of a solution of water and QL Fluosil at a ratio in 1:1 - Compact surfaces: apply three coats, with decreasing dilution with water. 1a coat 1:3, 2a coat 1:2, 3a coat 1:1. The consumption of QL Fluosil will be proportional to the absorption of the floor to be treated. Indicatively a porous surface will consume about 400 g/m², while a surface with normal porosity will consume 250-300 g/m². Leave the product to dry between one coat and the next and then, after the last coat, wash with copious amounts of water. Protect glass and aluminium surfaces during application. Application surfaces should be clean, free of soiling, crumbling and non-adhering parts, dust, etc., conveniently saturated with water until they reach the condition "saturated with dry surface".
Osmocem Flex Mono: Cementowy, elastyczny, jednoskładnikowy produkt do hydroizolacji

Osmocem Flex Mono: Cementowy, elastyczny, jednoskładnikowy produkt do hydroizolacji

Osmocem Flex Mono Osmotic cementitious waterproofing from a single-component, fibre-reinforced modified polymer, being super adhesive and deformable, with a plastic-elastic conduct. Ideal for waterproofing beneath tiles and for protecting concrete. It is easily applied by trowel, brush or roller, both on horizontal and vertical surfaces. Offers a 30% higher yield than two-component systems. One-component product, modified polymer, flexible and deformable, which requires only the addition of water. The application is easy and versatile, thanks to the variable consistency obtained by adjusting the amount of water added (within the allowed range and indicated in the "Instructions for use" paragraph), without dripping in vertical applications. 30% higher yield than two-component systems. Waterproofing of balconies, terraces, bathrooms, showers, swimming pools, before laying ceramic coverings. Waterproofing of concrete structures, plasters and cementitious screeds, as long as they are sufficiently porous and absorbent and without waterproofing and / or water-repellent surface treatments, both chemical (siloxane, epoxy, polyurethane, etc.) and natural (waxing). The application surfaces must be clean, free of dirt, crumbly and incoherent parts, dust, water-repellent treatments in general, etc. Any cracks due to plastic or hygrometric shrinkage, if present, must be preliminarily reclaimed with suitable products and techniques. In micro-cracked or particularly stressed areas, it is important to insert Armaglass 160, an alkali-resistant fiberglass mesh, in the first fresh layer of Osmocem Flex Mono. Immediately after laying the mesh, Osmocem Flex Mono must be finished with a flat trowel (see also "Instructions for use"). In the case of large cladding surfaces, it is necessary to provide "chimneys" for venting the steam, suitably located. Osmocem Flex Mono must be mixed with clean water. The following water additions are allowed: • 22-24% for application with a trowel. • Maximum 30% for brush-roller application. It is recommended to mix with a low speed mixer for at least a couple of minutes and, in any case, until a perfectly homogeneous and lump-free mixture is obtained. The addition of other ingredients (binders, aggregates, additives) must be absolutely avoided. A light wetting of the support is allowed immediately before the product is spread. Dry substrates must be previously primed with Bond Plus (mixed with water in a ratio of 1: 1). The typical application involves an application of about 3 mm of Osmocem Flex Mono in two layers. The maximum recommended thickness for each applied layer is: by trowel / spray: 2 mm, by roller / brush: 1 mm. When waterproofing terraces and balconies, Osmocem Flex Mono must be applied in two successive coats, with a thickness of approximately 1.5 mm each (approximately 2.2 kg / m² per coat), each of which must be applied when the previous one appears stable. (not earlier than 4 hours at 20 ° C). It is recommended to interpose the Armaglass 160 alkaline-resistant glass fiber mesh in the thickness of Osmocem Flex Mono between the first and second coat. The Proband butyl self-adhesive strip must also be prepared between the screed and the elevation walls. Finally, it is recommended to position the special elastic band Elastotex 120, or Elastotex 120 Cloth, in correspondence with any expansion joints, fixing it with the same Osmocem Flex Mono. Do not use Osmocem Flex Mono on heavily degraded or inconsistent substrates, as they would risk nullifying the goodness of the waterproofing. Do not apply on slightly or non-porous substrates or substrates previously coated with water-repellent treatments in general, unless after appropriate roughening using bush hammering machines, sanders and equipment suitable for preparatory treatments of the substrates, or after appropriate treatment with suitable polymeric primers. Approximately 1.4 kg / m² of Osmocem Flex Mono for each millimeter of thickness to be created. Packaging: 20 kg bag UM: €/kg
Przemysłowe Jednostki Chłodnicze - Temperatury Produkcji do -20° i Zdalne Sterowanie z Serii

Przemysłowe Jednostki Chłodnicze - Temperatury Produkcji do -20° i Zdalne Sterowanie z Serii

MITA bietet verschiedene Konfigurationen von luft- oder wassergekühlten Industriekältemaschinen an: alle ausgestattet mit elektronischem Mikroprozessor für die Einstellung und die Visualisierung der Austrittstemperaturen der Flüssigkeit und alle geeignet für Industrie 4.0. Einige Vorteile von Kaltwassersätzen für industrielle Prozesse: Eigenständiges, luftgekühltes Gerät. - Maximale Zuverlässigkeit und Leistung durch strenge interne Tests nachgewiesen. - Anpassungsfähigkeit und Flexibilität. - Energieeinsparung bis zu 80 % bei den Versionen mit freier Kühlung.